Names Of Western Leaders Who Attended A Church Service With Ruto In Kakamega


The president William Ruto today attended a church service in Kakamega county where he was accompanied by several leaders. According to the news which was shared on the social media platforms by the United Democratic Alliance party secretary general Hon Cleo Malala, the head of State attended a church service at Kakamega approved school.


The president William Ruto was accompanied by the speaker of National assembly Hon Moses Wetangula. The other leaders who attended a church service with the president includes the Kakamega governor Hon Fernandez Barasa, Bungoma governor Hon Ken Lusaka, prime cabinet secretary Hon Musalia Mudavadi, United Democratic Alliance party secretary general Hon Cleo Malala among other leaders.


“We have been honoured to host our president William Samoei Ruto for an interdenominational prayer service at the approved school grounds – Kakamega, as he wound up his four-day development tour of the Western Region.

We have assured our people of the president’s continued visits, his undivided support and intentional focus on seeing the region grow and realize it’s economic potential for the greater good of all our people”, Hon Cleo Malala said.

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