2027 Election Will Be Won And Lost In Western Kenya Just Like 2022


The 2027 General Election will be WON and LOST in Western Kenya region just like 2022….

The 2022 election was determined in Bungoma county after Raila Odinga humiliated Speaker Moses Wetangula by removing him as the Minority leader in the Senate in 2018 replacing him with a fellow Luo James Orengo from Siaya.After sensing betrayal and humiliation by Raila, Wetangula vowed never to support such a dishonest man like Raila &he supported Ruto.

Today, Ruto is the President because of Wetangula & his 200,000 votes from Bungoma.That’s why Ruto rewarded him handsomely with the third MOST powerful position in government, the Speaker of the National Assembly…. 2027 election will be determined in Western Kenya….Between UDA and Azimio where do you see Luhyas benefiting MORE???

In Azimio, the priorities are Luos and Kikuyus…Even Kalonzo and the Kamba community are being cheated that Raila and Uhuru will support Kalonzo, wapi!!!….The cards in Azimio cult are either Raila vies or Raila is forced by Uhuru and his family to support Uhuru’s younger brother Muhoho Kenyatta….

It’s time Luhyas and Kambas calculated how they stand to benefit by supporting Raila for the 6th time or supporting ANOTHER Kikuyu.

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