What Boni Khalwale Did Before Heading To The Mortuary To Bring His Bull Fighter Caretaker


The Kakamega senator Hon Boni Khalwale today will be bringing back the body of his bull fighter caretaker ahead of the burial ceremony. According to the news, the DCI officers did their investigation and later found that it was true that the death of bull fighter caretaker was caused by the same bull.

Boni Khalwale

Despite that, the Kakamega senator Hon Boni Khalwale today in the morning started his day by feeding the cows before heading to the mortuary. Hon Boni Khalwale has stood firm with the family of the bull fighter caretaker untill now.

Boni Khalwale

“Today,Before departing to the mortuary to bring back the body of my trusted fighter bull caretaker, Moi, for burial, I’ve personally fed the calves.
From this pool of calves that I breed, Moi would point out to me a potential new fighter bull.May he rest well”, Kakamega senator Hon Boni Khalwale said.

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