Why Would You Go And Check Your Husband’s Phone?


I also had a friend who will tell me, do I want to die Young of heartbreak and heart attack? My husband is a man and he can do what ever. I know he has another woman, but I can never doubt his love for me and the two kids not even for once has he ever made me feel less of his love. He still treasure me and love and respect me as the same as we started. So I pity any woman that goes about doing that, when my husband never changed from loving me or has never disrespected me by ever bringing any woman home, then what am I looking for?

Women are the reason sometimes for their broken homes/relationships.

How do they cause this?.
Why would you go about checking your husband’s phone, eavesdropping on his phone calls when he’s receiving calls, especially from a woman.

That your husband is married to you doesn’t stop them from having ordinary female friends, this push men away mostly and yet they won’t stop.

Some will go to an extent of paying people to watch over the husband’s movement

Some will go to an extent of following up the husband’s calls and chats just to know whom they’re going out within.

And worst may be that, this man isn’t even thinking or doing anything of sort and sometimes doesn’t even have such intensions.
Cheating is in a man’s DNA, yes, but going about trailing and tracking and tracing him is extremely very wrong.

They visit their husband’s office unannounced just to caught up with the man with another woman.

Why am I saying this, many women won’t dispute the fact that this is what they do.
This destroys home and relationship 💑 and that’s where domestic violence starts.

You have no right picking your husband’s calls unless he asked you to, you have no right scrolling and going through his phones unless he gives you the right and permission.

He’s your husband yes, and yet he has his privacy and that’s his phone and his office and league of friends.

I had a friend who will always Perceive the husband’s shirt whenever he’s back from work or anywhere to smell a woman’s deodorant and whatever. The man kept pretending he doesn’t see it, until it gets to him.
She will always check his pocket anytime he’s back from work or official assignment just to see condoms.
There was a day he asked his laundry man not to touch any clothes to the husband’s pant until she’s done with it. She had to check all of it and yet she found nothing, she was perceiving all the clothes and even pant.

Finally she did it over and over and won’t stop until she looses the marriage and the man.
Even if some men cheats, it’s not in your duty to check on them or trace them and question them every time and day.

The more you focus on your man or husband, the more he’ll do more.

And mind you, by so doing you’re at the verge of loosing him.

Some women go to the point of setting up the husband with their unknown friends to the husband or pay another woman just to get the husband’s trust and know if he’s cheating.
Going that extreme yet they will still loose that home and the man.

But when you don’t even have the time for all that, you don’t restrict his movement or female friends.
That’s trust and understanding and without this in a home and marriage, there’s no marriage cause there’s no sincerity.

Men know that they can’t do without another woman outside, but they still respect their wives so much to pretend as the wives are the most wonderful beings on earth.

They still love them and treasure them so much.
The moment you start asking questions and focusing on your husband you’re doing yourself more harms than good.

Allow them to fo their thing, first for your own sake, for your safety and for your own peace of mind.

It is the man himself that will respect you in not throwing another woman at your face. Rather he’ll hide it more than anything.
That’s why if some men are caught with it or the wife has been told, the wife would rather say it’s not her husband.

Why because she’s got no time tracing and focusing on the husband and his privacy.

And the man will do anything and everything to keep his family and home from knowing the truth.
But when you go on leaving your own work and business and focusing on your husband and trying to catch him. Sis, i tell you what, when you finally see what you’re looking for. Please tell me, will you be able to take it and stand it?
And some men can’t take that. Some women die early cause of this.

I also had a friend who will tell me, do I want to die Young of heartbreak and heart attack? My husband is a man and he can do what ever. I know he has another woman, but I can never doubt his love for me and the two kids not even for once has he ever made me feel less of his love. He still treasure me and love and respect me as the same as we started.

So I pity any woman that goes about doing that, when my husband never changed from loving me or has never disrespected me by ever bringing any woman home, then what am I looking for?. That this man is having extra marital affair doesn’t stop him from loving you. Infact that’s when some men will even love their wives more so not to suspect a thing.
It’s a woman that keeps a home, some women doesn’t know they can control their husbands with love and care and respect. No man is a saint, always remember that. Even you as a woman isn’t a saint cause many married women are having extra marital affairs. This will be another topic.

Do not use your hand to destroy the effort you’ve worked and built over the years. Once a man finds peace, comfort and respect in the arms of another woman and home, you’re done

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