Today’s Newspaper Headline: I Did Not Kill My Farmhand, Khalwale


The star newspaper headline today is talking about the sad death of the Kakamega senator Hon Boni Khalwale’s bull fighter caretaker. According to the news from Kakamega senator, it is said that the bull killed the caretaker after taking care for over twenty years.

Despite that, the Star Newspaper has revealed that some people are claiming that the Kakamega senator Hon Boni Khalwale is involved in the death of his caretaker. According to the newspaper, the Kakamega senator Hon Boni Khalwale has denied the allegations saying that he did not kill his farmhand.

He continued by saying that he is not ready to respond to allegations from unverified sources. This has come when the family of the bull fighter caretaker is now demanding for justice as the whole family were depending on him. The Kakamega senator has also revealed that he will be taking care of the burial ceremony of his farmhand. The question is, how can a bull kill the caretaker after serving him for over twenty years?

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