Taifa Jumapili: Raila Atimka Mbio


Taifa Jumapili newspaper headline is talking about the former prime minister Hon Raila Odinga who has been contesting for presidency several times without success. According to the newspaper headline, the orange Democratic party leader Hon Raila Odinga is allegedly said that he might use his party to contest in the coming general election.

According to the political analysts, the former prime minister Hon Raila Odinga who has been moving across the country to register Kenyans to his party might be planning something big in the coming general election. This is after the Wiper party leader Hon Kalonzo Musyoka also showed his interest in contesting for presidency come 2027.

Despite that, the Azimio La Umoja one coalition party are currently in Meru county where they will be meeting the residents. Do you think the orange Democratic party leader Hon Raila Odinga can win election with his party only?

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