Sad As University Student Beaten To Death By His Father After This Happened


Police in Kipkelion, Kericho County, are detaining a man who allegedly beat his son to death for drinking too much and refusing to return to university to resume his studies.

According to Citizen TV, the suspect is said to have assaulted his son, a fourth-year student at Karatina University, for imbibing alcohol instead of returning to the institution which was reopened early this month.

Area residents says the man arrived home and found the boy drunk an act which reportedly infuriated him.

He allegedly confronted his son seeking to know why he was yet to report back to the university yet he had sold his land and other family resources to fund his education.

After a brief altercation, the enraged father grabbed a piece of wood, wrestled his son to the ground and started beating and inflicting serious injuries on him.

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