“My Husband, I Have Been Unfaithful”, Wife Confesses


She joined her husband in the bedroom. Their children were asleep.

He was busy reading the newspaper.

She looked at him.

“My love, there’s something I need to confess” she began to speak.

“What is it?” he asked without looking at her, his face still glued to the newspaper.

“I have been unfaithful” she said.

He looked at her with fiery eyes.

He slapped her.

For the first time in their marriage, he slapped her.

“How could you woman?! Seventeen years of marriage, four children and this is what you do to me? You cheat on me? Foolish? How can you stoop so low?” he shouted.

He got up from the bed. He started pacing as he continued shouting, “You are the one who always tells me to keep off women. Out of respect, I keep females at a distance and you on the other hand do this?”

He was just about to pounce on his wife and beat her. The sting of unfaithfulness enraged him.

A knock was heard on the door.

Their first born, Maria, a fourteen year old girl walked in their bedroom.

“Mom, dad; is everything OK?” Maria asked.

“Get out! Get out!” he shouted as his daughter.

“It’s OK Maria, Dad and I will sort this out. Go to sleep” She told their first born daughter, Maria.

Maria walked out of their bedroom.

“Who is it? Who have you been unfaithful with? Give me his phone number. He will know today who I am” he shouted trying to grab his wife’s phone.

She humbly took her phone.

“Show me his number. Show me his face. Filthy animal who is snatching my wife” he shouted some more.

“This is the man I have been unfaithful with” she said giving her husband her phone.

Her husband looked at the screen of her phone and saw his own face and phone number.

“Me?!” he asked puzzled looking at her.

“Yes, I have been unfaithful with you. I have been unfaithful to God because I have been so busy loving you. In my effort to try being a good wife, I have forgotten God” she said.

He sat down on the bed, confused.

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