My Boyfriend Want Me To Be Pregnant For Him Before Marriage


My Boyfriend want me to be pregnant for him before Marriage. Download IYEF Social app on Google playstore and get more updates.

Hello Oga Yenne,
Let me go straight to the point,
the guy I’m dating asked me to take in for him immediately when we met in Dec. last year, I told him I can’t do such until we are married, since then he has been busy for me.

He used to track my conversation including chat. He hardly calls nor pick my calls, when I went to his house and complained about it, he told me if I have ever come to his house unannounced as I normally do and meet another lady?

When I planned to end the relationship, his mum will call me and ask me if I went to his place and the feeling I have for him won’t let me stick to my decision and break up with him. But I’m fading up on the whole thing, he has not been giving me his attention any longer as before [since i told him I can take in for him before Marriage]. Pls what should I do to save myself from heartbreak?

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