Mike Sonko Pays 1 Year School Fees For Another Needy Student


The former Nairobi governor Hon Mike Sonko today helped another needy student to join form one. According to the post which he shared on the social media platforms the former Nairobi governor Hon Mike Sonko revealed that he has paid for one year School Fees.

Mike Sonko

“After the plight by Kinyumu Julius pleading for my assistance to see him joining high school, yesterday 31st January 2024 I managed to locate him through his previous primary school head teacher, I’m happy he has been admitted to St Charles Lwanga Boys high school kitui.

I have paid for his 1-year school fees 48,000/=, Boarding fees 5350/=, monthly pocket money 2000=, School uniforms two pairs including shoes 17,300/=, school box and other essential items 5300/= plus 11k transport facilitation (fuel) sent to his former teacher who escorted him to school.

I wish him all the best in his studies and May his dreams
Come true”, Mike Sonko said.

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