HAPPENING NOW: Leaders Who Are Currently Attending A Meeting With Raila In Taita


The former prime minister Hon Raila Odinga is currently attending a meeting with leaders from Taita Taveta county. According to the post which was shared on the social media platforms, several Azimio leaders who also attending the meeting. The names of leaders are currently in the meeting are listed below.

Raila Odinga

“HAPPENING NOW: In attendance at the ODM delegates conference in Mwatate, Taita Taveta presided over by our Party Leader H. E Raila Odinga.

We are energized by the passion of members across the Coast region. It is clear to all that ODM remains the most popular and vibrant political party in Kenya.

ODM leaders

Also present are Deputy Party Leader H. E Wycliffe Oparanya, Taita Taveta Governor H. E Andrew Mwadime, SG and Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna, Senate Minority Leader and Kilifi Senator Stewart Mwadzayo, National Assembly Minority Leader and Uganda MP Opiyo Wandayi, Kilifi Deputy Governor Florence Chibole, ODM Kilifi Chairman and County Assembly Speaker Teddy Mwambire, Kilifi Women Rep Gertrude Mbeyu among others,” Mombasa governor Abdulswamad said.

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