Confusion As Millicent Omanga Blames Sakaja After Her Businesses Were Closed By Askaris


The former nominated senator Hon Millicent Omanga has finally come out open after her businesses were closed by the county Askaris. According to the post which she shared on the social media platforms, Hon Millicent Omanga criticized the governor for mistreating her after the recent comment about his Nairobi leadership. Download IYEF Social app on Google playstore and get more updates.

“Gov Sakaja has sent county askaris to close down my businesses in Nairobi despite my businesses operating with all the requisite licences. This illegal & unjustified action follows my comment on the Auditor General’s report on Nairobi County, which appears to have infuriated him.
I reject this bullying and political intimidation in the strongest terms possible and ask Sakaja to keep off my businesses. I remain steadfast and unbowed and affirm that I’ll not be silenced by such cowardly acts”, Millicent Omanga said.

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