We Are Ready, Raila Odinga Tells Gachagua


The Azimio La Umoja one coalition party presidential candidate Hon Raila Odinga today has shared a post on the social media platforms where he revealed that his team is ready for demonstrations which will be starting from 2nd May 2023. The former prime minister Raila Odinga continued by saying that if the deputy president Hon Rigathi Gachagua will disrupt their demonstrations then they are ready.

“If the regime choses to turn our peaceful and constitutional activities into a showdown and assassinations that Mr. Kuria and Mr. Gachagua are threatening, so be it, we are ready”, the Azimio La Umoja one coalition party presidential candidate Hon Raila Odinga said on his social media platform.

Despite that, the president William Ruto also revealed that his government will not allow the Azimio La Umoja one coalition party leaders to destroy the properties of poor kenyans. It is now time for all kenyans to maintain peace among each other.

Raila Odinga

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