UPDATE: Babu Owino Awarded Doctorate Degree In UK Just A Day After Questioning KDF Chopper Crash


The Embakasi East member of parliament Hon Babu Owino who has been trending on the social media platforms following his five questions about the KDF Chopper crash has been awarded a doctorate degree. According to the post which he shared on the social media platforms, the Embakasi East member of parliament Hon Babu Owino was happy to receive the honor from top leaners in United Kingdom. Download IYEF Social app on Google playstore and get more updates.


I take this opportunity to thank Leaders without Borders Development Centre,UK for giving me an award for Global Excellence in recognition of my Leadership.I also thank CITY UNIVERSITY OF PARIS for awarding me Honorary Doctorate Degree in Political Science as an outstanding Leader in Africa in Honor of my Service to Kenyans.The event took place yesterday at the Historic HOUSE OF LORDS,London in United Kingdom.
Lord this far you have brought me.
BABU KWA SABABU”, Babu Owino said.

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