TRUMP Attends Teamsters RANK-AND-FILE Presidential Roundtable


The former President Donald Trump met with Teamster union workers from around the country on Wednesday, 31st January 2024, including the Teamsters General President, General Secretary-Treasurer, and General Executive Board, as the union continued its series of rank-and-file Presidential roundtables.

In mid-December, Teamsters and leadership convened roundtables with other Presidential candidates across all parties, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Marianne Williamson, Dr. Cornel West, Gov. Asa Hutchinson, and Rep. Dean Phillips. President Joe Biden has committed to attend an upcoming Teamsters roundtable.


President Trump met with the Teamsters for more than an hour at the union’s international headquarters in Washington, D.C., and heard directly from rank-and-file Teamsters about critical issues for the labor union of 1.3 million members.

UPS Teamsters in attendance asked the former President to address possible national “right to work” legislation. General President Sean M. O’Brien raised issues around the shrinking middle class, corporate bankruptcy reform, and legislative priorities to make it easier and faster for working Americans to form and join labor unions.

“Our rank-and-file and our General Executive Board had a direct conversation with the former President, and we made sure he left the room with an understanding of our membership’s priorities,” O’Brien said. “The Teamsters are committed to meeting with all declared candidates for President. But it’s important to remember a conversation is not a final decision or endorsement. We’re all going to have to come together and take seriously the issues facing American workers today if we’re going to move this country forward.”


President Trump responded to independent contractor issues related to the Teamsters’ organizing campaign at Amazon, global supply chain concerns, antitrust enforcement, and the future organizing potential of the American labor movement.

“Evaluating candidates, considering the next President of the United States, and putting worker issues front-and-center are the most important actions the Teamsters will take this year,” said General Secretary-Treasurer Fred Zuckerman. “The Teamsters appreciate all candidates who have so far taken the time to attend these critical roundtable discussions, including President Trump. Rank-and-file Teamsters move this country and impact our elections. Teamster families vote in every state in our union. Workers’ voices need to be heard, and their votes need to be earned by our elected officials.”

The Teamsters have repeatedly extended an invitation to Republican candidate Nikki Haley but she has yet to commit to meet with workers.

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