Traditional Herbs For Pregnancy


Mugwenu Doctors cleansed Namukhula from negative energies by giving her Traditional Herbs for pregnancy problems, which she was directed to use for two weeks before trying to get pregnant.

“So there is this neighbour of mine, a widower. We like chatting a lot, and we are close friends. One thing led to the other, and we were rolling in the sheets. It was powerful. I felt the way I used to feel when I was a teen and during my twenties and thirties.

For a week, we were just busy in the sheets, after two weeks, I started having nausea and slight headaches. I knew these were signs of pregnancy. I went for a test kit, and it was positive. I could not believe it,” she narrated while smiling at her three bundles of joy who have now turned seven months and that is how Namukhula has found herself in the line of parenthood at a very advanced age, just like the biblical Sarah. Reach out to Mugwenu Doctors for more help.

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