Taifa Jumapili: Makanisa Yatema Ruto


The Taifa Jumapili newspaper headline is talking about the president William Ruto and the church leaders who were very close to him during the campaigns. According to the newspaper, the president William Ruto despite working with the church leaders during the campaigns he is not considering them now after his victory.

The president William Ruto has decided to ignore them despite the cost of living being high to poor Kenyans. Several church leaders have disagreed with the president William Ruto making the head of State to continue with his agenda without hearing the advice from the church leaders. This has come when the president William Ruto was ever in church during the campaigns in the name of getting blessings.

It is now clear that several churches have decided not to work with the president William Ruto due to his strong standings despite their advice. It is time for the president William Ruto to consider church leaders so that our country can move forward in terms of development projects and also economy. Have a happy and a blessed Sunday.

1 thought on “Taifa Jumapili: Makanisa Yatema Ruto

  1. Religious matters should be delt spiritually. It is high time church leaders need to focus on their treasures in heaven just as scriptures say.

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