“Sura Kiasi Kulikua Na Mshike Mshike” Sée What Happened To Ploti Boy


Kuna maid aliletwa Kwa ploti kutoka Western alafu alikuwa blessed from behind, but sura kiasi Kulikuwa na mshike mshike nikajiambia “cover the face and fire the base”. After siku mbili nilirusha ndoano but the lady was reluctant on accepting my advances bwana. Remember to download IYEF Social app on Google playstore to get more interesting stories.

I kept pushing juu ya hiyo sende. She insisted that I should leave her alone but due to ile constant pressure which I was piling on her she eventually gave in to my advances. Siku moja akifanya laundry hapo nje I requested if naeza gwara ikus kiasi.

She played hard to get but Mimi ni nani, I became persistent hadi akagive in. Dame akanishow atapanga on a Friday evening when her boss atakuwa ameenda night shift while kadem nilikuwa nakula katakuwa kameendea dawa yake ya kienyeji ya kutibu dandruffs.

Hiyo Friday nilibuy mukhombero na kahawa tao nikapitia Kwa mzee wa smokie nikakula smocha mbili. Nikifika makejani nikapata boss wake hajeenda mahali but mboch promised lazima shughuli iendelee as planned hata ka boss ako.I insisted that we use the bathroom located at the edge ya plot .

Nilitangulia hapo Kwa bathroom na ndoo ya maji then kiasi akanifuata ju Giza ilikuwa inaingiaingia.We caressed buana and assuming the valley was wet nkapitisha mkono for assurance. kufikisha my hand kwa wet crack I felt something unusual hadi nkadhani labda nmeshika Mjuols yangu .

Nikapinch to confirm kama ni yangu and the lady retracted to the wall. On going further nkashika testicles zinatoshana na ile mpira ya volleyball buana. On trying to run away, kumbe Kuna mtu amefunga bafu kimaksudi from outside. Nlipiga nduru wamama wakajaa Kwa ploti.

Vile walifungua bafu wananiuliza what had happened, huyo boss wake akaniambia she’s the one who scripted the whole story akaleta mboch kijana akamvalisha kama Dem so that she can tame my crooked ways and ashame me for once.Kumbe ilikuwa ni PKORR. Sasa Download IYEF Social app on Google playstore and get more interesting stories.

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