Raila Succession: Joho, Oparanya Axis Emerge


The Azimio La Umoja one coalition party is currently experiencing challenges as the 2027 general election moves closer. According to the Star Newspaper Headline, it is revealed that there is axis in the succession of the former prime minister Hon Raila Odinga who is now moving to his retirement in politics.

According to the newspaper, there are two groups in Azimio La Umoja one coalition party which are pushing to inherit the orange Democratic party leader Hon Raila Odinga. There is a group of the former Kakamega governor Hon Wycliffe Oparanya and the former Mombasa governor Hon Joho.

The two teams are pushing to be the successor of the former prime minister Hon Raila Odinga in the coming general election. The Oparanya’s group includes the Nairobi senator Hon Edwin Sifuna and Hon John Mbadi. Joho’s team is leads by the Suna East member of parliament Hon Junet and Ledama Olekina. Who do you think should succeed the former prime minister Hon Raila Odinga?

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