Photos Of Raila Odinga In Trans Nzoia County With Other Azimio Leaders


The Azimio La Umoja one coalition party leaders today toured in Trans Nzoia County where they attended a church service at Christ The King Parish Mitume. According to the news which was shared on the social media platforms, the former prime minister Raila Odinga was accompanied by several leaders from his team.

Raila Odinga
Coutesy photo of Raila Odinga

The Azimio La Umoja one coalition party presidential candidate Hon Raila Odinga on his speech thanked the residents of Trans Nzoia County for receiving him well. “We have landed in Trans Nzoia and joined faithful at Christ the King Parish Mitume, Catholic Church”, the orange democratic movement party leader Hon Raila Odinga said. The Azimio leaders who accompanied Raila Odinga includes the Azimio running mate Hon Martha Karua, the Roots Party Presidential candidate professor George Wajackoyah.

Other leaders includes the former Kakamega governor Hon Wycliffe Oparanya, the Nairobi senator Hon Edwin Sifuna among other leaders let us maintain peace among each other during this time.

Raila Odinga
Coutesy screenshot of Raila Odinga

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