Photos Of Raila Odinga In Kisii Town Today


The Azimio La Umoja one coalition party presidential candidate Hon Raila Odinga today led his team to Kisii county where he was received in style. According to the news which was shared on the social media platforms, the whole of Keroka town was full of people who came out to welcome the former prime minister Raila Odinga and his team.

Azimio Leaders in Kisii county
Coutesy photo

Raila Odinga on his speech revealed that Kisii people have roared and ready to work with him. “Keroka has roared and declared solidarity with Azimio in our quest for justice. They have urged us to soldier on for them and other Kenyans, and we have assured them that there is no turning back”, the orange democratic movement party leader Hon Raila Odinga said.

Raila Odinga
Coutesy photo

The Azimio La Umoja one coalition party leaders who accompanied the former prime minister Raila Odinga to Kisii county includes the Wiper Party leader Hon Kalonzo Musyoka, Azimio running mate Hon Martha Karua, Hon Jeremiah Kioni among other leaders.

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