Oga Obinna has finally spoken out on why he deleted all the Weekly Show videos he had done with Dem wa Facebook.
He made it clear that the show was his idea and that he had fully funded it, giving him every right to take down the content.
“People were saying I didn’t want to work with Bebii, yet her videos were still on my channel, and that I would have to pay her. That’s why I decided to delete everything and start afresh,” he explained.
Obinna also addressed claims that he should have started a new channel instead of deleting the videos, saying, “This was my channel, and the Weekly Show was my idea. I funded everything from the start.”
He further pointed out that Dem wa Facebook is now running a similar show on her own channel, and he wanted to avoid unnecessary competition and comparisons.
As for why he chose Kartelo as his new co-host, Obinna said, “Kartelo is a real vibe, he is very talented and funny. That’s why I decided to work and support him. Many people expected me to work with another lady, so they were shocked when Kartelo came on board!”
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