My Twin Babies Are Already Dead Inside My Womb, Doctors told me


Just this time yesterday i am still in the labour room where the Doctor’s confirmed that my baby twins are dead already inside my womb…. i cried 😭😭and cried till i don’t know what to do again. The doctor is requesting for my husband permission so they can operate me and bring out the dead babies out my stomach but i did not agree to it… because i know the GOD i serve. So i ask them to give me till tomorrow morning that i want to talk to my GOD then if he did not do it by tomorrow morning they can operate me.

I knelt down and started worshipping the almighty GOD and a voice said unto me that he wants to use my child birth to do a very BIG miracle and a point of contact for those that want to make it in life this year.

He told me that i will give birth by morning and i must share the testimony online and ask people to share the post 3 times only.

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And who ever obeys and share the post 3 times. He says from the moment they share the post let them not switch their phone off again because in the next 72hours … a Breakthrough call will come into their phone and it will lead to their upliftment in life and they will never fall again.

Just this morning as promised by GOD i gave birth to bouncing Twins and i am gere to share the testimony so you can tap into it as a contact point for your own blessings too…

Pls congratulate me and celebrate with me.

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