Much Love As Raila Odinga Receives Warm Reception In Rongo


The Azimio La Umoja one coalition party leader Hon Raila Odinga today was in Rongo where he was welcomed in style by the residents. According to the news which was shared on the social media platforms, the former prime minister Hon Raila Odinga thanked the residents of Rongo for coming out in large number and register as the Orange Democratic Movement party members.

Raila Odinga

“Erokamano Uru, Rongo! Your massive attendance and combined resolve to register as The ODM Party members inspires us. We keep moving forward as we reenergize the party”, the Azimio La Umoja one coalition party leader Hon Raila Odinga told the residents of Rongo. Despite that, the former prime minister Hon Raila Odinga urged the residents of Rongo to support each other so that the party can move forward well.

It is now time for leaders to work together so that our country can move forward in terms of development projects. Have a wonderful evening.

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