Moses Wetangula Speaks After Being Chased Away In A Funeral In Trans Nzoia County


“Condemnation must be unequivocally expressed against orchestrating violence, particularly in solemn settings such as a burial.

The disruption of the burial I attended in Goseta, Kwanza Constituency, Trans-Nzoia County, by a wave of political intolerance and chaos, is deeply regrettable. We implore the authorities to address this situation with the full force of the law.

My heartfelt condolences go out to Former Nominated MCA Philip Nyongesa, mourning the loss of his wife, Sarah Nyongesa, whose burial we had gathered to honor.

It is disheartening and unacceptable that the late Sarah was not accorded the respect she deserved during her final farewell.

Regardless of their status, no leader should be permitted to exploit impunity and violence to sow discord and turmoil merely to gain political advantage.

I urge the youth to refrain being manipulated into instigating disorder by the political class.

Leaders Present included; CS Susan Nakhumicha (Health), PS James Mutate (Economic Planning), PS Juma Mukhwana (Industrialisation), Trans-Nzoia Senator Hon. Allan Chesang, Hon. Ferdinand Wanyonyi (Kwanza), Hon. Kakai Bisau (Kiminini), among other leaders”, Moses Wetangula said.

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