Morning Thoughts: Rising Through Giving Solutions


3am Thought. Rising Through Giving Solutions

Every single person has that turning point….. the point where someone pumped an idea into their heads, pushed it through their spirit and basically showed them the way out of the crisis….

I’ve been through several such moments…and if I reflect, there is one thing that stands out…….
For every crisis, my solution has been found through solving problems, and giving solutions…

Through revelation, God opened up my eyes and I found myself offering a solution…..and through that offering the lifting came….

I have spoken about the terrible bout of depression that hit me in the year 2000…..
I had lost my job at the Weekly Review in 1999, and from a high flying Media Personality, rubbing shoulders with top Business Executives and hopping from Breakfast at the Stanley Hotel, to Lunch at Intercontinental and Dinner at the Serena, I perambulated around such places discussing policy issues with CEOs and Top Businessmen… then some time in May 1999, Hilary Ng’weno, the late, came and announced that he was folding up the company and was sending us home…
Like nearly all so called Middle Class…that depend on One stream of income….. I struggled to get my footing after being knocked out…..
Through a mix of ego and frustrations, I found myself not being able to do some things that were “below me” and thought that I would easily land another job that offered me the same privileges like the one at the Business Desk of the Weekly Review… Frens…let me tell you….. Life has a way of humbling you…if you have ego and pride Issues….life can deal with Kisumo….if you are stuck in one way of thinking…those ways of saying… I just want a job in this sector, or in this industry….
My life took a downward spiral and in about one year I found myself huuuuko chini….
I didn’t know that I was fully depressed……
I found myself in a sh 300 per month house in Kiamaiko, and the rent was being paid by someone else…..
Guys, if you have pride and ego issues.. like I did around the year 2000…….you will find yourself going down, and if you thought that you can’t go lower, things get worse,and worser to worsest…..

One day, my season of coming up from Depression came..when I attended a series of teaching by Bishop Luke Mwangi , towards the end of 2000…he was then a Pastor under Wilfred Lai in Mombasa…and came to RGC Huruma for the series of teachings…that as the moment that lifted me from Depression….

He taught about practical application of simple Biblical Principles to get Business Breakthrough…..
And he taught about using your legs to walk around, and opening your Eyes to see where there is a problem..and using your Head to think about the solution…

.the simple pattern of legs, Eyes and Head……
And from that point, my life changed….it was the moment of Isaiah 60, verse 1…Arise, Shine, for thy light has come……

The first thing I noticed was that the employees of RGC Huruma avoided cleaning the Pit Latrines that used to be at the corner of the far end of the Big tent compound… so the Pit Latrines were in a terrible mess… especially on Mondays….so since I didn’t have much to do, after dropping my CV, I started cleaning the Pit Latrines every morning after the morning glory service…..
That act of cleaning up the Latrines…was the first in several steps of walking around to spot problems that I could solve….. and it set up the foundation of lifting me up from Depression and Despondency….. if you find yourself doing something that makes you feel relevant, somehow your mojo comes back…. you find yourself feeling relevant….and little by little my confidence came back……then one day as I was walking around Eastleigh in the evening, I saw a huge number of people walking from Industrial Area and Town… with dry lips.. probably saving some coins… and using the teaching of Rev Mwangi, I decided to set up a base opposite PCEA Primary School, Eastleigh…. I fried sweet potatos and Cassava…. and provided a solution for the several people with dry lips…. they spent 10 bob on my fried sweet potatos and Cassava….. And in one month, I graduated from depending on someone to pay my rent of 300 per month to making 1,000 per day…. I spent the money to buy two computers, moved from Kiamaiko to Huruma.. Kwa Plot…..and started writing again…..and joined the RGC media team that was writing the newspaper called End time News under the Editor, Francis Ayieko kijana ya Karachuonyo…and through that I found myself working under David Makali of the Sunday Standard…and that is how my depression ended, and I became a big name in the investigative Journalism Under the “Sunday Intelligence” section of the Sunday Standard from 2003….

But, how did it start…. getting uplifting sermon, applying it in real life….. and giving the solution by cleaning the Pit Latrines…..and this developed the right mindset….

For you going through similar situation, like mine of 1999 and 2000….. think about providing simple solutions where you are……
Once that mindset is established… you will grow from level to level….. from solution to solution… until people will start looking for you….

Isaiah 60 1…. Amplified version says

“Arise [from spiritual depression to a new life], shine [be radiant with the glory and brilliance of the Lord]; for your light has come,
And the glory and brilliance of the Lord has risen upon you.

May God open your eyes to see yourself as a solution provider in areas around you…..

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