Men Please Be Romantic Always


A man returned home so hungry, and his lovely wife was in the kitchen
preparing lunch for him. After sometime waiting he shouted. Download IYEF Social app on Google playstore and see more beautiful photos.

”mummy junior.” The wife rushed
to the sitting room and replied, “yes
my husband.” The angrily said in a harsh loud voice, “what are you
doing? I’m soo hungry, how many
hours will the food take to be done?
Please go and get me food, i beg you
in the name of God”. After the shouting the wife felt bad cos she has been doing everything to meet up with the cooking, so her husband
could eat as soon as he enters the
house but couldn’t meet up.

Now men listen, you don’t know her
sacrifice to rush to make that cooking.
And you shouted at her. Pls be romantic
You can do this.
As you returned, instead of shouting
“mummy junior”, call her in a
romantic way, “sweety, where are
you?” Then walk slowly to that
kitchen, hug her from behind, kiss her neck, take a deep breath and tell her your food looks yummy. Then, as you are holding her, whisper to her ears
“honey your baby is soo hungry”.
I swear when you do this she would, if
possible, turn to gas cooker to make
sure you eat immediately. She would even bring some meat from the pot to give you as bribe while she rounds up.

My guy listen, women are sweet and lovely joor.
Go buy her flowers, scatter the flowers on the bed and see how she will give you the other food like crazy.
They love their God given gift which in WOMAN.
Please, stop shouting at them.
May God give all the
beautiful ladies a caring husband.
Ladies am i
communicating?❤️ For more tips Download IYEF Social app.

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