Meet A Kenyan Developer Who Is Building IYEF Social App Just Like Facebook


The world is now moving to the social media platforms as many people across the world are trying to make money by sharing their contents like videos, image or just news article. Despite that, a Kenyan IT (information Technology) student from Masinde Muliro University of science and technology has decided to develop a social media app which will allow people across the world to share their contents and engage with each other.

Milton Ondwasi

Milton Ondwasi who is the owner of MILTON TECHNOLOGIES is a young man who has a dream in developing android apps for people across the world to earn a living in future. Milton has just finished his diploma in information technology at Masinde Muliro University of science and technology and he is currently waiting to graduate in December 2024.

IYEF Social

Milton used his creativity in android development field to develop a social media app which he also presented as his final year project at Masinde Muliro University. Despite experiencing challenges, he is still improving the application so that it can function properly as intended. This has come at a time when many Kenyans are looking for money in the social media platforms after the president William Ruto said that they should be making dollars on the internet by “pressing” their computer.

IYEF Social

Despite that, Milton Ondwasi is also free to get any support from anyone across the world so that the application can be launched in the world. Anyone who wants to reach to him can contact or send his or her support on the phone number: +254707579313 or PayPal account: . Let us support technology and young developer in the world. Join the IYEF Social app Whatsapp group here.

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