‘Mbona Sasa’ Reasons Behind Brian Chira’s Postmortem


Watu wangi wanashangaa sana,mbona afanyiwe posmortem na already tunajua alikufa kwa ajali. Even me nikiwa mtoto nilikua nadhani postmortem kazi yake ni kujua tu kitu iliua mtu basi, not really.

It has a number of clauses to be filled.First thing and part ya postmortem huwa WHERE was the body found, na hapa sana sana huwa wanahuzisha fornsic team kuhakikisha they cerain that this body was found here the last minute na kama ilipatikana hapo,is there any other movements, and from that watajua kama huu mwili uliletwa hapo ama ulikufa ukiwa hapo nd how many people were there,thats why mnaona forensic hukua na certain digital single-lens reflex cameras zenye ikipiga picha inagoa each detail zenye ziko hapo plus sketches.

Brian Chira

Another thing hufuatiliwa na postmortem ni the cause of the death. Kama ni ajali,ni ajali ya aina gani coz pia wao wanajua ni ni ajali ya barabara but the reson they have to perfom the postmortem is they already have a mwakenya ya how ajali ya barabara looks like, kama ni fructure ya kukanyagwa they have previous incidents ya how a skull should be ad the % of damage to qualify to be an accident, ju tunaeza sema ni ajali kumbe aliuliwa akatupwa hapo,so watajua kama hii ni tyre ya lorry ama ni kuni alipigwa kichwa ama aliwekelewa jiwe,watajua.

Third ni they have to get samples za Chira for future reference too,after ashajua ni ajali,incase kutakua na any other ajali huko mbele wataona ahaaa,hata ya Chira pia ilikua hivi,so they are collecting data ya how rad accidents looks like especially when a skull in involved.

Most important aspect ya hii postmortem ni kujau what exactly killed Brian Chira. Aligongwa yes, after kugongwa, ni organi gani ilimuua,kichwa? kifua? tumbo ama mgongo spinal code ilivunjika na kama ni kichwa which part of the head was affected,kama ni akili ilipasuka ,watajua.

Now Chira aside,tuseme mtu wenu amekufa ugonjwa,sisi kama vienyeji tutajua tu aah huyo alikufa ugongwa,lakini hapo kwa pathologist,lazima ajue ugonjwa gani, ulichukua muda gani, na is there possible ways ya kuprevent future happens? So kupitia mgonjwa wenu,itawapa clear picture incase kutakua na mtu na similar disease,wawe wametafuta possible ways za kuprevent asifike kwa kifo kama mgonjwa wenu,thats very important kwa postmoterm.Another thing ni burial permit.

Brian Chira

Hii Kenya kama kuna vitu huwa ngumu sana kupata ni birth certficate na death certificate,walai utaenda useme aki nilizaliwa but do you know unaeza kosa birth certificate ju umeshindwa kuproof ulizaliwa? Ama uende kutafuta death certificate ya mpendwa wenu mshindwe kupata just because you cant proof mtu wenu alikufa,hata mkiwaita waone kaburi,walai hamtapata,but ukiwa na postmortem,aai same day unapata ju uko an government documents za kuonyesha mtu wenu amekufa.

Hence, Brian Chira’s postmortem was very very very vital,one tujue alikufia wapi excatly, tujue kama ni kweli ajali ndio ilimuua na tujue which part killed him and again watu wa City Mortuey hupata mili mingi sana so until famlia ijulikane thats when watafanya postmortem ndio warealease mwili ju mnaeza kuja mkasema hao ndio waliua mtu wenu,kama hawana copy ya postmortem si unaona watalipia,so any body that died outside the hospital it has to be proofed beyond reasonable doubt.

Najua ni mrefu but si mnapenda vitu mrefu mrefu? ladies? OK! I thought so. Signed,Nandwa Isaac

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