List Of Leaders Who Have Landed In Kakamega County Ahead Of International Investment Conference


Kakamega county is expected to host the international investment conference at Masinde Muliro University of science and technology where the president William Ruto will also be attending. According to the photos which were shared on the social media platforms, several top leaders have already landed in Kakamega including the US ambassador.

Kakamega county

In Pictures.
Arrival of US Ambassador to Kenya, H.E Meg Whitman, and Bungoma Governor, H.E Ken Lusaka, at Kakamega Headquarters for #KAIICO2024.

The leaders have been received by the Governor H.E FCPA Fernandes Barasa and Deputy Governor, Hon. Ayub Savula.

Kakamega deputy governor

Also present to welcome them are First Lady Prof. Janet Kassily Barasa, Matungu MP Hon. Oscar Nabulindo, among others.

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