Inside Kalonzo Musyoka’s Grand Wedding


Genesis 2:18 reads, “Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”

Today, my son Muasya married his ‘rib’ and God’s appointed helper, Nthoki.

Thank you for allowing us to partake in your wonderful day and may your love grow stronger with every passing year.

Asante sana Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Party Leader Rt Hon Raila Odinga for joining us and sharing a beautiful message.

Thank you DAP Kenya PL Eugene Wamalwa and Jubilee Party SG Jeremiah Kioni for making the time to share this special day with my family.

To our family and friends, your presence was invaluable.

The Wiper Party leaders present Machakos Governor HE Wavinya Ndeti, Makueni Governor HE Mutula Kilonzo Jr, legislators from both Houses and County leaders; thank you for celebrating this occasion with me.

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