I don’t Want to go to the hospital to see My Mom


My Dad Pressures My Mom To Feed Us While She is Battling with Cancęr in Hospital.

“I’m Godrey Audi Odhiambo . I got a B+ of 69 points in high school. I was privileged to join Maseno University through someone who sponsored my semester 1 fees.

He then stopped, and that’s how being in school became unbearable for me. I differed my studies. I tried the support of HELB, but there is no response to date.

Godfrey Odhiambo,

I couldn’t manage to proceed and finish year 1 studies because my mom, who used to support me through harvesting sand from the river, is currently battling with Cancęr in Russia Hospital.

My elder brother, who is in Egerton, is surviving through friends, well wishers, and his hawking business. I even needed little money to begin my hawking business, too, but no one came through for my aid

I’m currently doing casual jobs (weeding) in people’s farms, and sometimes I fetch sand from the river for our meals. The biggest support I received from my dad was Ksh. 100 through my entire education from primary to campus

I don’t want to go to the hospital to see my mom nowerdays because, whenever I go, she cries and bids us bye 😭. I’m tired, hopeless…” Godrey Audi Odhiambo

To suppor him; mpesa/wave/remit
0743725945 Godfrey Odhiambo.

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