Here Is The Controversy Of Churchill Live And Churchill Show



One day, Daniel ‘Churchill’ Ndambuki woke up and found out that he could not make decisions, changes or even get more money in his own show, CHURCHILL LIVE. Download IYEF Social app on Google playstore and get more interesting stories.

This was after a successful run of Season 1, aired on NTV every Thursday evening, between 2007 and 2009. The show had been started to rival popular Citizen TV show, ‘Papa Shirandula’.

Churchill only realized that he only owned his brand name, and that was it. The show did not belong to him.

So, who owned it?

Bob Nyanja, respected film producer and owner of Cinematic Solutions.

Churchill Live

Bob is not just your average producer. He is the man who brought popular comedy show, ‘Red Korna’ to life. Some of his top movies then included ‘Malooned’ which featured both Churchill and the late Charles ‘Papa Shirandula’ Bukeko, as well as ‘The Rugged Priest’, a film on controversial Catholic priest, the late Fr Kaiser.

Churchill wanted some changes made, including monetary moves, but only Bob could okay any of that. An unexplained tussle came up between Bob, Churchill and NTV production department.

In a swift move, Churchill set up his company, The Laugh Industry, hired Kevin Mulei of Mo Sound to do production and rebranded the show to CHURCHILL SHOW.

That’s how he parted ways with Bob and his Cinematic Solutions company.

Churchill also put together his theatre production team, mainly from Heartstrings Theatre led by Victor Ber, Sammy Mwangi and Ken Waudo, to help in producing the shows.

He even moved the show from Thursday night to Sunday, and introduced CHURCHILL RAW, to take up its Thursday slot. Eric Omondi took over the Thursday show.

However, MC Jessy, who was an ambitious wedding MC, managed to audition and got the opportunity to host Churchill Raw, when Eric became bigger than the two shows.

To maximize on revenue, Laugh Industry, which had offices in Westlands then, diversified into other events and started doing ‘ The Kids Festival’ and ‘Laugh Festival’. This was before he decided to take Churchill Show on the road where he hosted it in different counties.

Bob still owns the name ‘Churchill Live’.

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