“I am so humbled by the overflow of love and kind wishes on my birthday today. Thank you very much, good people.

Looking back at my life so far, I am grateful for all the good, the bad, the happy, and the sad times. For me, all this means one thing, GROWTH!

For all the mistakes and failures, that’s my fault. For all the victories and good decisions, it has always been God and the good advice from my friends and colleagues.

Although my birth certificate says 42, my body feels like I am 24, and my mind feels as if I am 65.

I pray for life, protection, favor, and humility.
I pray for courage to continue standing up for what is right. My birthday wish is to see a free Uganda in my lifetime!

“God grant me the courage to change the things I can, the serenity to accept the things I can not change and the wisdom to know the difference!”

Happy birthday to me”, Bobi Wine said.

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