Haiti Mission Not Walk In The Park For Kenyan Soldiers

Haiti Mission Is Not A walk In the Park For Kenyan Soldiers

Haiti Mission Is Not A walk In the Park For Kenyan Soldiers

The government of Kenya kwanza which is led by the president William Ruto have finally released one thousand soldiers to Haiti where the insecurities have been reported. According to several newspaper headlines today, it has been revealed that the Haiti Mission is not a walk in the park for our soldiers as the gang is well equiped with weapons to destroy anything that’s goes against them.

The gang is allegedly said that it killed several presidents by attacking them in their homes despite having tight security. The president William Ruto is now risking our soldiers to take a tough decision in protecting the residents of Haiti. This has created alot of discussions among the top leaders who have condemned the government for transferring our soldiers to Haiti. What is your thought about the Haiti Mission?

Haiti Mission

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