Confession: I Slept With Someone In Order To Get A Job


I slept with someone in order to get a job. Well, he continued sleeping with me after I got the job and we ended up falling in love. He divorced his wife and we got married in 2021. We have a daughter and son together now. Download IYEF Social app on Google playstore and get more updates.

However, in January this year, he hired a new personal assistant at our company. I don’t know if I’m overthinking, but I don’t like how he looks at her. It seems like there’s something they are doing outside work. I confronted him about it and he told me to resign and be a housewife if I have a problem with the people he hires.

Maybe it’s paranoia playing with my mind, but I feel like that young girl is about to replace me. I’m a Christian but I have been having many African thoughts in my head. What do I do to save my marriage? Tasha.

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