Breaking: UN Reveals Shortage Of Men In The World


The United Nations has surprised many people mostly women across the world after revealing the total number of men in the world.

 UN publishes 1st quarter Demography Report 2023. There are 7.8 billion people on the planet . (earth). 

According to the report:

Women = 5.6Billion,

Men = 2.2 billion.

  So, they advised women to be careful in showing attitudes to any man because out of the 2.2 billion men:

• One billion are married already.

• 130 million are in prison.

• 70 million are mentally ill.

That means that we have just about 1 billion men available for marriage and out of the


• 50% are jobless

• 3% are gay

• 5% are Catholic priests

• 10% are your relatives

• 32% are above 66 years.

So, ladies, both the married and singles should handle men with respect. It is now time for women to embrace their men to avoid being refused in future.

Milton technologies

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