Boni Khalwale Mourns His Step Son In USA


Boni Khalwale is a sad, frustrated man after his brother’s son is forcefully buried in USA despite pushing for his body to be brought to Kenya for a decent Luhya funeral.

“I regret to announce to all the friends & relatives of my brother’s son, the late Brian Khalwale, that he has been given a forced burial in the US despite our fierce objection. His mother capitalised on his death, got a visa, and travelled, hopping to immigrate to the US, ” the Kakamega senator Hon Boni Khalwale shared on his Facebook page expressing his sadness. Despite that, the family in Kenya were expecting to bury their son in a proper way according to the Luhya culture.

It is now time for all kenyans to stand with the family members of the Kakamega senator Hon Boni Khalwale during this time of mourning. Rest in peace to the young boy who had a bright future.

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