Boda Boda guy from VIHIGA builds a 5 bedroom house and bought his dream car after winning Millions through Betting. He reveals his source of sure matches


Geoffrey Nyongesa is a parent of one child and the owner of a Boda Boda business in the Vihiga County Hamisi Constituency. Remarkably, after winning a significant sum of Kes 6 million from a reputable Betting company, he has nearly completed building his five-bedroom home in just three months. What makes this even more amazing is that this was his first time Betting, which adds even more weight to his accomplishment.

Geoffrey’s venture into the world of Betting commenced with a friend who consistently placed winning Bets. Captivated by the possibilities, Geoffrey’s friend introduced him to SokaFans, a prediction website that would later play a significant role in Geoffrey’s life. We had the privilege of meeting Geoffrey, who runs a Boda Boda business in Mbale Town, and he generously shared his journey to success.

“After completing my diploma in sales and marketing, I encountered difficulties in securing a satisfying career. To make ends meet, I took up work as a Boda Boda rider. However, the earnings were insufficient, leading me to consider Betting as a potential means of supplementing my income. Initially, my Betting endeavors were tough. However, eight months ago, a friend introduced me to the remarkable prediction platform called SokaFans. Since then, my life has undergone significant improvement,” he narrates.

“Since I started using SokaFans, I’ve been consistently winning every day. Instead of sticking with my Boda Boda business, I switched to the logistics industry, where I now enjoy a comfortable monthly income. Thanks to my successful Betting ventures, my family and I have been able to construct a five-bedroom home. It’s truly astounding to think about where I would be without SokaFans. I can vouch for its reliability and effectiveness as a platform, and I wholeheartedly urge other gamblers looking to earn extra income through Betting to give it a shot,” he adds.

If you wish to make some extra income through Betting, Visit SokaFans and Get Started. You will thank us later.

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