10 KDF Ranks: From Senior-Most Position To The Lowest


10 KDF ranks: From senior-most position to the lowest

  1. General
    It is the second-highest rank in the military. The Lieutenant-Generals are, at times, called the Three-Star generals. Those with the post can be Vice Chief of Defence Forces, Service Commander in the services or those in charge of the National Defence College.
  2. Lieutenant- General
    It is the second-highest rank in the military. The Lieutenant-Generals are, at times, called the Three-Star generals. Those with the post can be Vice Chief of Defence Forces, Service Commander in the services or those in charge of the National Defence College.
  3. Major-General
    They are in charge of promotions in the military, and at times are called Two-Star generals. Some can be promoted as Service Commanders
  4. Brigadier
    To become a Brigadier, one must have served for at least 12 years and shown excellence in service. They are in charge of brigades and battalions.
  5. Colonel
    They serve as staff in KDF. One must have been trained in Defence Staff College to qualify for promotion to the rank of Colonel.
  6. Lieutenant-Colonel
    These are officers who can be in charge of up to 600 troops.
  7. Major
    Officers holding the rank must have served up to eight years. They are usually involved in decision-making process.
  8. Captain
    Those in this category, must have served up to six years. They are usually in charge of up to 50 officers.
  9. Lieutenant
    Officers holding this rank must have served for 3 to 5 years.
  10. Second- Lieutenant
    The position is held by an officer after two years of graduation from the Kenya Military Academy (KMA). Download IYEF Social app on Google playstore and get more updates.

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