Marriage is a lifelong commitment that requires emotional, financial, mental, and spiritual maturity. Here are some key indicators that you might be ready to take that step:
- Age & Maturity
As a lady, you are at least 21, and as a man, at least 25,ages where maturity typically begins to solidify.
- Financial Stability
You have a stable job or business that can support you, your spouse, and a future child.
- Independent Living
You can pay your own bills and, as a man, have your own apartment without relying on others.
- Responsibility & Care
You can take care of yourself and another person without feeling overwhelmed.
- Love for Family
You love children and look forward to having your own.
- Domestic Skills
You handle house chores and cooking naturally, without needing reminders.
- Emotional Independence
You’re comfortable living far from your parents and making major life decisions independently.
- Self-Control & Integrity
You resist peer pressure and make choices based on your values, not public opinion.
- Sexual Responsibility
You practice self-discipline and maintain healthy boundaries in relationships.
- Healthy Family Ties
As a woman, you have a positive relationship with your father and respect authority.
As a man, you respect women and treat your mother and sisters with dignity.
- Financial Wisdom
You know how to earn, manage, and grow your money wisely.
- Spiritual Strength
You have a strong prayer life, can hear from God, and align your decisions with your faith.
- Generosity
You give joyfully and help others without hesitation.
- Healthy Desires
You have a balanced and respectful view of intimacy.
- Clear Life Goals
You know what you want in life and pursue it with determination.
- Capacity for Love & Growth
You genuinely desire to love, support, and help your partner grow into their best self.
- Emotional Intelligence
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