The Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Hon. Gladys Boss hosted a delegation of Members of the Nigerian Parliament in her office, where they engaged on shared areas of interest.
The Delegation of Nigerian MPs drawn from both houses was led by Hon. Miriam Odinaka-Onouha and Senator Patrick Ndubueze, are currently undertaking a Strategic International Parliamentary Learning Tour for selected members of the Nigerian National Assembly to engage with other parliaments across the world on gender-responsive legal reforms.

“It is imperative for us as Legislators to continuously engage one another on our legislative processes, sharing both successes and challenges that we face in delivering services to our people.” Stated the Deputy Speaker.
She further noted that such learning tours are an important part of continued improvement of Legislative systems and approaches, owing to the broad areas of interest for learning and sharing.
Speaking on Gender-responsive reforms, Hon. Shollei acknowledged the milestones that the Kenyan Parliament has attained since the enactment of the 2010 Constitution, citing an increased number of elected female legislators, as well as in other areas of governance.
“Kenya has come a long way on matters gender-mainstreaming and affirmative action. Although we are yet to attain our ultimate desired numbers and gender balance in the composition of both the National Assembly and the Senate, we are headed in the right direction, going by the statistics. ” She said.

The Nigerian delegation’s areas of interest during the visit include the mandate, composition, powers and activities of various Committees; effective means of coordination and communication among Committees; Implementation of Committees’ recommendations; Successes and challenges in carrying out the Committees’ oversight role; and roles, if any, in budget allocation to other Committees.
They also sought to understand KEWOPA’s role in promoting gender equity, reforms and laws; and the role of Parliament in ensuring increased women political participation.
The Deputy Speaker was joined by some Members of the Chairpersons’ (Speaker’s) Panel Hon. Peter Kaluma, Hon. Omboko Milemba, and Hon. Rachel Nyamai.
The Nigerian Members of Parliament undertaking the visit to Kenya are from the Committees on Constitutional, and Electoral Review and Committee on Women Affairs of Nigeria’s National Assembly.
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