Every marriage needs money to thrive! Rent must be paid, bills must be settled, school fees are there, you must wear good clothes and eat a balanced diet.
In fact, financial problems are one of the biggest problems facing marriages today. Lack of finance has caused havoc to families and separated many lovers.
- Have A Regular Income Before you go into marriage
It is unreasonable to go into marriage without a stable source of income.
Marriage is not an emergency so don’t rush into it. Get a job before you get married. Because People may sponsor your WEDDING but nobody will sponsor your MARRIAGE. Love is powerful but it won’t pay your house rent, hospital bill, or your children’s school fees. So get a job to sustain your marriage. Marriage is a responsibility. There is no true romance without finance in marriage. Financial hardship or poverty can destroy love. So get a stable source of income before getting married.
Make sure you and your intending spouse have a source of income before planning your wedding. A reliable source of income is a must if you don’t want to suffer in marriage. That’s wisdom.
- Learn How To Give before going relationship/marriage!
You Are Not A True Lover If You Are Not A Generous Giver Because The Proof Of Love Is GIVING! Before you get married, you must destroy every spirit of stinginess, greediness, and selfishness because they are major enemies of marriage. Marriage is not for those who are not givers.
Learning How To Give Is One Of The Preparation You Must Make Before Marriage Because Marriage Is All Giving 100% to your spouse. So Both Single Guys & Ladies Should Learn How To Give. Marriage is between two people who love each other and are willing to be a blessing to each other. They are not stingy to each other. Beware of someone who is not ready to contribute to your life but only interested in receiving.
BE 100 % Open about money in marriage. Never hide anything from your spouse. Talk about your money together and be flexible about your money. There must be 100% openness and transparency about finance. No secret account. No secret property. What God has joined together, let no secret put asunder
Genesis 2:24 says: And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
As husband and wife, you need to be spiritually, emotionally, sexually, financially, and physically naked to each other. You must be Open and transparent
Your spouse should know your phone, email, and bank account password. Be free to have access to your phone. Don’t hide anything from your spouse. That’s marriage
For you to go far in marriage, you must not have this mentality that “my money” is my money while my husband’s money is our money. You must know that any money you make in marriage either by the wife or husband belongs to the family. There is nowhere in the bible that commands only the husband to provide for the family.
MARRIAGE IS A TEAMWORK. MARRIAGE IS A PARTNERSHIP. So both of you should use your money to run the family. Put your resources together to run your family. Two are better than one because they have a better result for their labor. Work as a team.
You see, one of the reasons many men go into depression is because of financial pressure/loads. He wants to pay house rent, children’s school fees, feeding of the family, medical bills, electricity bills, security bills, clothes for the children, generator fuel and repairs, car fuel and repair, his wife’s financial needs, parent monthly bills, etc., for example, his monthly bills is 2 million naira but his salary is only N500,000. It is not right for a woman to watch her husband go through financial stress without any support. If you don’t want to lose that man, support him 100/%
Marriage is a partnership. So both husband and wife should provide for their home. Marriage is a teamwork. It is a covenant. If both parties are willing to be covenant-minded and put the principles of God above all, then they can enjoy a good marriage.
Once you are married, you are now one. It is now “our money”, not “my money”. It is Our car, our children, our property. So both of you should put your resources together to run your family. Two are better than one because they have a better result for their labor. Work as a team.
You must know that anything you have before marriage belongs to both of you in marriage.
Your money becomes our money
Your cars become our cars
Your house becomes our house
Your children become our children
- AS A MARRIED COUPLE, NEVER COMPARE YOUR FAMILY WITH ANY FAMILIES WHO ARE FINANCIALLY DOING WELL THAN YOU. Be content with what you have. If you must have peace of mind in your marriage, you must be content with what you have. Enjoy the little you have while you work hard for more. Don’t envy other families. Celebrate the level you are now as you believe in God for the next level.
Make sure you rent a house you can pay for the rent without borrowing. Start with what you have. I and my wife started with a room and parlor self-contained but today, we have passed the level. Remember there are other bills like transport bills, electricity bills, medical bills, etc. Don’t rent a house in an environment you can’t afford. There is no need to try to impress anybody when you know you don’t have the capacity. Be yourself. Start with what you have. Never try to impress anybody. Some use their 7 months’ salaries to pay rent just to impress people. That’s foolishness. Instead of paying millions of naira for rent, why can’t you plan and save to buy your own land and build your house? - AVOID TOO MANY RESPONSIBILITIES.
Only Give birth to the number of children you can adequately cater for. Some married couples are giving birth to children every year. Their income is not increasing but their responsibilities are increasing by the day. There is no way you can make financial progress in these kinds of homes. Plan your family size. Large families are not advisable today.
As a couple, you must not be afraid of rejecting “heavy load” or heavy responsibility from your extended family, if they suggest that their children should live with you. If you know that you don’t have the financial capacity, never accept extra responsibility. This is not a lack of faith. It is wisdom
- NEVER PUT YOUR CHILDREN IN A SCHOOL YOU CANNOT AFFORD. Because expensive school does not guarantee a brighter future. It does not make sense if you have to struggle or borrow money to pay their school fees. Make sure your children attend a good affordable school.
- NEVER DEPEND ON ONE SOURCE OF INCOME: Create multiple streams of income. Multiple streams of income simply mean many sources of income. Don’t depend on one business or salary. Your money must never come from one source. It is better for N5000 to be coming from five sources than for N10,000 to be coming from one source. Invest your money in profitable businesses. Your income must grow as your family is growing. Sit down, think, and plan with your spouse on how to generate more income to cater to the needs of your family.
Instead of fighting, take every financial need to God in prayers. Pray about your finances. Trust God for your finances. Pray that God will give you ideas that will change your financial life. God can release ideas into your mind that will change your life forever.
So instead of you fighting and quarreling over your financial needs, go to God in prayers. All will be well
You will not fail in marriage in Jesus name
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